August 2023 Youth Newsletter


August events are open for registration!
Our event calendar is changing on August 18!

We hope you will find registration an easy experience on the new platform. As before, click on the event date and scroll down to enter your information. You no longer need to create an event calendar account and be logged in to register! Our September programs will not be open on the current calendar on the 15th of August; on the 18th you will be able to see and register for them on the new calendar.

Registration is required for most of our youth programs except where noted. Except for this transition month, we open registration for each following month on the 15th day of the current month. If you are registered and find you can’t attend, thank you for being considerate and ‘unregistering’. When events are overbooked we cannot guarantee your spot if you do not arrive on time. Thank you for understanding.

all together now
It’s not too late to sign up for Summer Reading! If you haven’t registered your child (birth to age 19) yet, you can get your form at the service desk or, if you prefer, you can download the Beanstack app and register from home. Our prizes are bigger and better than ever this year, but hurry…the program ends on August 12!

cherry crest adventure farm logo
maplehofe dairy farms logo
lions club logo
reynolds and shivery funeral home logo
Special thanks to our local SRP sponsors!
Cherry Crest Adventure Farm
Maplehofe Dairy
Quarryville Lions Club
Reynolds & Shivery Funeral Home, Inc.Would your business would like to sponsor our Southern End kids reading programs and events next summer? Please contact

go lancaster get outdoors and get connected graphic
For families participating in GO Lancaster: Check the website for real-time information about each trail you will be visiting. To sign up, download on the Beanstack app or stop into our library and ask for the hard copy version!

stem-sational summer! explore a STEM topic with hands-on fun! for kids entering grades 3 to 6
Aug 10 at 3:30 pm. Please register!

  • Lego Block Party (ages 5+SPECIAL SUMMER SATURDAYS! – Aug 12 @ 10:30 amPlease register, space is limited.
  • Using Library Resources – for summer learning and homeschool support. Get a tour of our online databases to see how powerful they are! (Parents and kids/teens welcome – bring your own laptop or use ours with your library card).

1000 books before kindergarten logo
Have you finished your young child’s Summer Reading program and wish you could keep going? This program is for you! Babies and toddlers from birth up until the day they enter Kindergarten are invited to take on this challenge!
If you are interested in learning more about the program, ask any of our staff to get you started.

celebrate the library's new storywalk!
The StoryWalk® is up and running! You may visit anytime, whether the library is open or closed. Grab a brochure from the box at the start, and let us know you were here by completing it and submitting it either to the desk or in our book drop. You could win a Longwood Gardens Family Pass! You may participate up to 3 times per family group to maximize your chances of winning (and the benefits of repeated reading)!

The current exhibit is Little Owl’s Day by Divya Srinivasan. Stop by the desk for an owl craft to enjoy after you walk!

Learn more about the StoryWalk® on our website page.

PA forward basic literacy logo
(with thanks to our sponsor, Reynolds & Shivery Funeral Homes, Inc.)Our programs have been filling fast! We are including those that still have space but don’t wait to register!

  • Baby’s First Storytime (Ages birth – 17 months) Tuesdays in August at 10:00 am. Please register for each session. August 22 and 29 will appear on the new calendar, so please register after August 18.
  • Young and the Restless (Ages 18 months – 3 years, other family members welcome) Wednesdays, August 2, 9, 16 at 10:30 am. Please register for each session.

teen summerzine. for writers, artists and readers ages 12 to 19
Join us in person or via Zoom for our third annual Teen SummerZine program! Our guest authors and illustrators will encourage and inspire writers, artists, and readers ages 12-19, providing information about their own creative process as well as prompts, opportunities for sharing and feedback, and publication in our library-catalogued zine! Visit for monthly dates and to register.

video games for teens
August 11 from 4:30-5:30. Come play with friends (snacks provided) – all games will be E or T rated. Registration required as space is limited.

Teen events for August include:

Teen Anime Aug 4 (4-5:30)
Adult/Teen Chess Club on August 5 (11-2)
Teen Board Games August 19 (10-2)
Dungeons & Dragons for ages 16+ on Aug 12, 26 (10-2)
SPECIAL SUMMER PROGRAM! Video Games for Teens! Aug 11 at 4:30 Registration required!

Teens are welcome at select adult events, such as Trivia Night on August 10, Pickling on August 17, and Mid Day Matinee (PG-13) on August 18.

Teens who are seeking employment can get help finding internships through PA CareerLink, and learning digital literacy skills through our partnership with Millersville University.

Teen tech volunteers needing service hours are welcome to help with coding and robotics programs. Contact!

Teens 16+ looking for jobs? Ask about paid work experience through Career Link! They have other programs for younger teens as well!

Flipster - get instant access to popular magazines!
Not just for adults! Flipster’s catalog includes such favorites as Ranger Rick, Highlights and National Geographic Kids. All you need is your library card! Click here to get started, or search the app store for “Flipster – Digital Magazines”.

Field of tulips with the text "family museum passes"
The following museums are offering passes for checkout:
(conditions apply – please note when reserving):
Demuth Museum
Ephrata Cloister
Johannes Mueller House
John J. Snyder Art Gallery
Lancaster Museum of Art
Lancaster Science Factory
Landis Valley Farm Museum
Make 717 (STEM Maker pass)
North Museum
National Toy Train Museum
President James Buchanan’s Wheatland
Railroad Museum