Job Resources

PA CareerLink logoPennsylvania CareerLink Lancaster County

is partnering with the Quarryville Library to offer workshops, job navigator services, career counseling and exploration, job search assistance, skills and interest assessments, Watch our event calendar for monthly workshops!

  • Paid work experiences (internships) for young adults ages 16-24 including major employers and even some at our library (seasonal)! Apply through Inquire with our staff to find out more information.
  • Pardon Project for adults with non-violent convictions who need assistance applying for a pardon, CareerLink participates in the Pardon Project of Lancaster County. Click here Pardon Project rev. 10.5.21 (Final) to see if you qualify, and if so, you may apply directly to

ONLINE RESOURCES (using your library card):


Log in to this searchable database, and find detailed profiles for over 30 million businesses and 2.3 million jobs.

BrainFuse Job Now!

Online coaches available daily from 2pm to 11pm EST. Live assistance with resumes, interview prep, job searching.

Other trusted sources:

Occupational Outlook Handbook

A guide to career information about hundreds of occupations.

CareerOne Stop

Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals.

O*Net Online

The Occupational Information Network offers detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more.