Category: Youth Services

October events are open for registration! Registration is required for most of our youth programs except where noted. We open registration for each following month on the 15th day of the current month. If you are registered and find you can’t attend, thank you for being considerate and ‘unregistering’. When events are overbooked we cannot guarantee…

September events are open for registration! You may have already noticed, we have a NEW event calendar!  We hope you will find registration an easy experience on the new platform. As before, click on the event date and scroll down to enter your information. You no longer need to create an event calendar account and be…

  August events are open for registration! Our event calendar is changing on August 18! We hope you will find registration an easy experience on the new platform. As before, click on the event date and scroll down to enter your information. You no longer need to create an event calendar account and be logged in…

  July events are open for registration! Registration is required for most of our youth programs except where noted. We open registration for each following month on the 15th day of the current month. If you are registered and find you can’t attend, thank you for being considerate and ‘unregistering’. When events are overbooked we cannot…

  June events are open for registration! Registration is required for most of our youth programs except where noted. We open registration for each following month on the 15th day of the current month. If you are registered and find you can’t attend, thank you for being considerate and ‘unregistering’. When events are overbooked we cannot…

  May events are open for registration! Registration is required for most of our youth programs except where noted. We open registration for each following month on the 15th day of the current month. If you are registered and find you can’t attend, thank you for being considerate and ‘unregistering’. When events are overbooked we cannot…