Gift Policy


To make provisions for the acceptance of gifts or donations to Quarryville Library.


Within the provisions of the State Laws, the Board of Directors adopts the following policies:

  1. The Quarryville Library welcomes gifts of both materials and money to purchase materials. These gifts are examined and may be added to the collection under the same criteria used for purchasing materials. Gifts are accepted if the donor agrees that they may be added, sold at book sales, or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the director of the library or designated personnel. Gifts that are added to the collection are shelved with other materials in normal sequence.
  2. The Library does not provide special shelving or separate locations for gift items. Gift books may be plated with a library bookplate if the donor wishes. Books donated as memorials are identified with an appropriate plate with the donor’s approval. Gift items, including memorials, are weeded according to the same criteria used for purchases.
  3. Monetary gifts to purchase books are welcomed. Donors may specify types of materials to be purchased with the understanding that the specific titles may not be available.
  4. Donations of special or unique collections that are of local or historical interest that further the mission of the Library will be considered for addition to Library holdings. Such material will be added to the Library’s collections according to established policies and procedures and space availability. All donated material becomes the property of the Quarryville Library upon donation.
  5. Gifts of money, real property, and/or stock will be accepted if conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the Board of Directors.
  6. The library will not accept for deposit materials, which are not outright gifts.
  7. The library personnel cannot evaluate library materials for tax purposes, for IRS regulations do not permit this. If a donor requires an official tax statement, the donor must make arrangements with a book dealer to evaluate the gift. The donor will meet the cost of making the evaluation, which is a tax deduction.