Registration is required for most of our youth programs except where noted. Registration opens for each month on the 15th of the previous one. Programs with insufficient registrants will be canceled; please monitor your email for updates.
Registration opens on January 1 for our favorite mini-golf fundraiser happening on Saturday, February 10! We still have sponsorships available for local businesses (families may also sponsor and decorate a hole), so it’s not too late to put your name on the course! Contact Sharon at for a pledge form.
Chess for kids returns by popular demand! The club will meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, starting on January 3rd.
Have you grabbed a bingo sheet for our Winter Reading Challenge yet? Finishers will receive an extra raffle ticket to be redeemed at the basket raffle during Go-Fore Golf (participation in the event is not required).
We are partnering with a local scout troop to offer their kids some of the achievements of the scout reading badge and are expanding the program to invite homeschoolers, unaffiliated scouts, or any young person who would like to participate in the activity! Best for ages 10+. Registration is required.
Thanks to a generous anonymous patron donation that allows us to bring this outstanding presenter to our library! Registration is required for each session and space is limited. Thank you for observing age limit requirements for this program.
Come and enjoy activities that are set up for caregivers to play with their children with suggestions for enriching the literacy experience. This session will look at the concept of homes. Ages 2-8 with caregiver. Registration is requested, drop-ins welcome as space allows.
Ages 3-8 with caregiver. Registration is requested.Block Party is an hour long free play session for preschoolers and their caregivers using our library’s wooden block set, people, vehicles, animals and other accompanying materials.
Our current Storywalk® is Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert. This is an outstanding alphabet book showcasing 75 fruits and vegetables, which include the familiar as well as plenty that are mildly exotic. We will award several copies of the book to families who submit a brochure letting us know you walked the path.
(with thanks to our sponsors, Reynolds & Shivery Funeral Homes, Inc., Costco, Weis Markets, and Target)
Sing! Sign! Storytime! (Ages birth – 6 years) Wednesday, January 24 at 10:30 am.
Baby’s First Storytime (Ages birth – 17 months) Tuesdays, January 2, 9, 23, and 30 at 10:00 am.
Young and the Restless(Ages 18 months – 3 years, other family members welcome) Wednesday, January 3, 17, and 31 at 10:30 am.
Family Storytime(ages 1.5 – 6 years) Wednesday, January 10 at 10:30 am.
Teen events for January include:
Adult/Teen Anime January 5 (4:00-5:30)
Adult/Teen Chess Club January 6 (11:00-3:00)
Teen Board Games January 20 (10:00-2:00)
Teens are welcome at select adult events, such as:
Trivia Night! on January 25 at 6 pm.
Mid Day Matinee on January 12 at 1:00 pm.
Dungeons & Dragons for ages 16+ on January 13 and 27 at 10:00 am. Landlord/Tenant Disputes for high school ages and up on January 18 at 6:00 pm.
Teens who are seeking employment can get help finding internships through PA CareerLink, and learning digital literacy skills through our partnership with Millersville University (through February).
Teen volunteers needing service hours are welcome to help with holiday events, coding and robotics programs. Contact!
The following museums are offering passes for checkout:
(conditions apply – please note when reserving):
Demuth Museum
Ephrata Cloister
Johannes Mueller House
John J. Snyder Art Gallery
Lancaster Museum of Art
Lancaster Science Factory
Landis Valley Farm Museum
Make 717 (STEM Maker pass)
North Museum
National Toy Train Museum
President James Buchanan’s Wheatland
Railroad Museum
The library is much bigger than what is found within its four walls! Use your library card here to unlock vast amounts of information and entertainment!