Room Reservation Policy

Room Reservation Policy

  1. The Quarryville Library Center has four (4) rooms available for library programs, activities, and public use. These four rooms are the Carlson Cultural Room (the program room), the Pennington Family Conference Room, the Story Corner, and the Reynolds Tutor Room. When not in use by the library, these rooms are available to community organizations or individuals for meetings or programs of civic, cultural, social, or educational purposes. The Quarryville Library Center does not endorse or seek to promote the objectives of any individual, group, organization, or business using these rooms.
  2. Any use of the library facilities is subject to the approval of the library director or the library board of trustees. Exceptions to the room reservation policy require written permission by the director or board of trustees.
  3. Room reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure fairness to others in the community, the library reserves the right to limit the use of the facilities by individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses. Permission may be granted for multiple meetings over a period not to exceed
    six (6) months and two (2) meetings per month. Prior use of the library rooms does not entitle applicants to future room use. An application must be filled out for each time a room reservation request is made.
  4. The library also reserves the right to discontinue use of the facilities by any organization, business, group, or individual that creates a nuisance or interferes with library operations.
  5. Reservation rooms are not available for: (1) political campaigning, (2) the solicitation of funds, (3) use as headquarters for any organization, (4) use as a mailing address, or when, in the opinion of the library director or the board of trustees, the use of the room might endanger public safety, cause disorder, or disrupt the primary functions of the library.
  6. The following guidelines must be followed when publicizing a program or event:
    • The correct name of the library (Quarryville Library Center) must be used on all publicity.
    • The library’s logo, image and contact information may not appear on any materials or publicity.
    • The following disclaimer MUST appear on all materials produced outside the library: “This program/event/workshop is not affiliated in any way with the Quarryville Library Center. Please contact the organizer at the number/email listed for questions about this event.”
    • A non-library contact number or email must be listed on any materials distributed.
    • Before the materials are produced or circulated, they must be approved by the library director or assistant director.
  7. It is the responsibility of the renting individual, group, organization, or business to return the room to its original condition and pay for any damage to library property or equipment. Waste is to be placed in the receptacles and left in the kitchen. Any bags that do not fit in the receptacles need to be tied securely and left in the kitchen.
  8. Walls, windows, doors, and furnishings may not be used for mounting or hanging pictures, displays, posters, or other materials unless permission has been given by the library director.
  9. Individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses using the facilities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their actions and the actions of their guests. Children may not be left unattended or unsupervised by adults who are using the room or attending meetings, programs, trainings, or events.
  10. No sale of merchandise or services is permitted without the express written permission of the library board of trustees.
  11. Individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses are not permitted to charge for attendance of events for any room rental. There will be no exceptions.
  12. It is the responsibility of the applicant or the group to provide any necessary equipment if it is not available in the reservation rooms.
  13. Alcoholic beverages, smoking, and gambling are not permitted on library premises.
  14. Due to fire hazard, lighted candles or open flames may not be used in the meeting rooms, except for the use of Sterno by caterers.

Scheduling a Room Reservation

  1. Call the Quarryville Library Center at 717-786-1336 to check for available date(s) and time(s).
  2. Pick up a room reservation form at the Quarryville Library Center or visit to print a copy of the form or to reserve a room online.
  3. In order to use the room(s), an individual, group, organization, or business must submit a signed Room Reservation Application Form at least one week in advance of the reservation date and payment must be received at least 72 hours before using the room(s). Make the check payable to: Quarryville Library Center. If you need an invoice to process payment, please request one as soon as your reservation has been confirmed.
  4. The individual, group, organization, or business renting the room must sign a Hold Harmless Indemnification Agreement (included in this form).
  5. When a room is to be used by an individual, group, organization, or business with members 17 years of age or under, the application must be submitted and signed by an adult. No one will be admitted until the adult in charge has arrived. An adult must be present at all times.
  6. You may request early access to a room to set up tables, chairs, etc. No fees will be charged for this unless:
    • More than half an hour is requested before or after the event. Normal hourly rates will be charged for extra time requested.
    • Library staff are asked to set up the room. In this case, half an hour’s worth of normal hourly fees will be charged for staff time.
    • Meetings or events must be scheduled during normal library operating hours and must be concluded by normal library closing hours.
    • In the event a scheduled meeting/event is canceled, the group or individual should notify the library as soon as possible so that the space may be made available to others. A full refund may be requested if cancelation notice has been given at least 48 hours prior to the time of reservation. If a cancelation is made less than 48 hours prior to the time of reservation, a partial refund (50% of fees paid) may be requested. If the library must cancel a room reservation, the group or individual will be notified as soon as possible, and any fees paid will be refunded. The library website, Facebook and Instagram, as well as WGAL, will be updated in case of weather-related emergencies.
    • If there are any questions or disputes about room use, the decision of the library director or assistant
      director will be final.

Fees & Donations

C.X. Carlson Cultural Room (Program Room):

The program room can be set up for auditorium seating for up to one hundred (100) people. This room is encouraged for lectures, large meetings, programs, or trainings requiring the use of a projector, screen, video, or kitchen area.

The kitchen (located in the program room):
Arrangements can be made for using the kitchen. A stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, and sink are available. The kitchen can be used for light snacks or catering. Use of a caterer must be approved by the library director.

For individuals, groups, or businesses reserving the program room, the fee is fifty dollars ($50.00) per hour with a one-hour minimum. The cost of this room includes the use of folding tables, chairs, and other equipment owned by the library. For use of the kitchen, there is an additional flat fee of twenty dollars ($20.00).

For non-profit individuals, groups, or organizations reserving the program room, a donation of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour is suggested*. The room may be used for a maximum of four (4) hours at this rate. For use of the kitchen, an additional twenty dollars ($20.00) is suggested. *A non-profit is an individual, corporation or association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders or profits.

For use of the room before or after normal library hours, an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) an hour will be charged with a one-hour minimum.

Pennington Family Conference Room:

This room has seating for up to twelve (12) people and is encouraged for discussions which require a writing surface. The cost of the room includes equipment owned by the library. Food and beverages permitted in this room are limited to light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.

For individuals, groups, or businesses reserving the conference room, the fee is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour.

For non-profit individuals, groups, or organizations reserving the conference room, a donation of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour is suggested.* The room may be used for a maximum of four (4) hours at this rate. *A non-profit is an individual, corporation or association that conducts business
for the benefit of the general public without shareholders or profits.

For use of the room before or after normal library hours, an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) an hour will be charged with a one-hour minimum.

Story Corner:

This space can be set up for small meetings or parties for up to twenty (20) people. Adding tables to the event will reduce capacity accordingly. Food and beverages permitted in this room are limited to light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.

For individuals, groups, or businesses reserving the story corner, the fee is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour.

For non-profit individuals, groups, or organizations reserving the story corner, a donation of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour is suggested.* The room may be used for a maximum of four (4) hours at this rate. *A non-profit is an individual, corporation or association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders or profits.

For use of the room before or after normal library hours, an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) an hour will be charged with a one-hour minimum.

Reynolds Tutor Room:

Capacity is limited to a maximum of three (3) people. Laptops are available for use in this room and require a library card for access. There is no charge for using this room, however, a reservation must be made to use it, and it can only be used during normal library operating hours.


The Quarryville Library Center board of trustees expressly reserves the right to amend this Room Reservation Policy. The board of trustees also reserves the right to make special exceptions.