Support Your Library!

Donate with PayPal

Donate Online

The Quarryville Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit! You can make a tax-deductible online donation via PayPal, using your credit or debit card or PayPal account. Please click on the image above to make a donation.

Fundraising Events

The library hosts various fundraising events, including book sales, barbeques, and a bake sale, throughout the year. Please visit our events calendar to view upcoming fundraisers.

Memorial Gifts

The library invites you to honor an event, an achievement, or the memory of someone special. You may give monetary donations for the collection, and library staff will work with you to select appropriate titles to both honor someone and meet the library’s collection needs. Proper acknowledgement will be sent, and a book plate will be displayed in the titles selected.

Planned Gifts and Bequests

When planning your estate, consider leaving a gift in your will or living trust for the nonprofit and charitable organizations (like the Quarryville Library) that made a difference in your life. There are a variety of ways you can make a charitable planned gift. Your estate attorney, accountant, or other financial advisor can provide you with more details on the types of gifts and the tangible benefits they offer. Imagine the positive impact on our community if everyone made a donation to a favorite nonprofit organization!

eBay Store

The library has an eBay store, where we list various books, DVDs, and other items. Click here to see what’s currently available.

Full Circle Recycling

Full Circle Recycling is sponsoring a program that will donate the money you receive for recycled items to the library. Instead of getting cash for your scrap, ask that the money generated be donated to the Quarryville Library, and they’ll take care of the rest!

Gift Books

***The Friends of the Library are not currently accepting book donations. Donation hours will resume in March, 2025.***

Our Friends of the Library volunteers accept donations of new and very good condition used books for our collection, Friends’ Bookstore, and periodic book sales. The library cannot guarantee that any material donated to the library will be added to the collection, and items that cannot be added to the collection may be sold. The proceeds of sold donations provide funds to support library operations.

Donations will be accepted on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 am through 12:30 pm in our Pennington Room. All materials must be in salable condition and must be free of mold, mildew, or water damage. 

The library welcomes donations of:

  • Used books
  • DVDs
  • Puzzles
  • Books of local interest (including local cookbooks)

The library cannot accept:

  • Audiobooks
  • Cassette tapes
  • Condensed books (such as Reader’s Digest books)
  • Cookbooks (except for local cookbooks)
  • Encyclopedias
  • Magazines
  • Music CDs
  • Textbooks
  • VHS tapes

Donated materials become the property of the library and are accepted with the understanding that items useful to the library’s collection may be added, and other items may be disposed of through book sales or otherwise. The libraries cannot appraise used materials for tax purposes, but will provide a receipt without attaching value, on request.

To view our gift policy please click here.