Mission & Vision

the front of the Quarryville Library


The Quarryville Library Center provides the freedom to experience the joy of reading, the discovery of new ideas and the power of knowledge while fulfilling the cultural and social needs of the southern Lancaster County community.


The Quarryville Library Center is a caring, vibrant community center determined to grow with southern Lancaster County by providing programs and services that meet the changing needs of the community.

History of the Library

Quarryville Library opened at its current location at 357 Buck Road in Quarryville in April 2001. The library had been moved from St. Catherine Street, where it had been in existence since 1976! By the late 1990’s, the library had one of the highest per capita circulation rates in the state. This statistic alone showed that this community was quickly outgrowing the library’s 2,800 square feet of trailers and modular units. Moving to the new space provided the community with 12,200 square feet of space, which is more than four times the size of the old facility.

Although we are an independent library, governed by our own board of Trustees, we are part of the Library System of Lancaster County. As a member of the library system, we will honor any library card issued by any public library in Lancaster County. The library is also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.