I. Policy
This policy applies to materials owned by the Quarryville Library Center.
Quarryville Library Center recognizes the principles of free library services and free inquiry as fundamental concepts of the democratic heritage of the United States of America. The latter principle requires the library to offer different, and sometimes widely divergent, points of view in many areas of knowledge. The library does not approve or endorse any particular viewpoint or belief represented in its collection. The library considers reading, listening and viewing to be individual, private matters. The library believes that full, confidential and unrestricted access to information is essential for citizens to exercise their constitutional rights. While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own minor child(ren), the freedom of others to
read or inquire will not be restricted. Only parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to guide and direct the reading, listening, and viewing choices of their own minor child(ren). The library does not stand in place of parents (in loco parentis). The library considers all materials in its collections to be constitutionally protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the Pennsylvania State Constitution. The library’s role is to provide materials that will allow individuals to freely examine issues and make their own decisions. In this connection, the library endorses and incorporates by reference herein the “Library Bill of Rights” and the “Freedom to Read” and “Freedom to View” statements adopted by the American Library Association. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, nor will items be sequestered except for the purpose of protecting them from theft or damage. Individuals may raise concerns about library material that does not support their tastes and views. Staff members are available to discuss concerns and identify alternate material that may be available. Patron concerns will be dealt with promptly and courteously.
II. Procedure
- A staff member will listen to the patron’s concerns. This discussion may be referred to a manager, an administrator or the assigned in-charge person at either the staff member’s or the patron’s request.
- If this discussion proves unsatisfactory to the patron, the patron may make a formal, written request using the “Patron Request for Reconsideration of a Work” form (the “Form”). This form will be provided by a manager, administrator or the assigned in-charge person.
- For the request to be considered, the Form must be completed in full including signature. Only specific works or titles will be considered for reconsideration; requests for reconsideration of general topics or subject areas will not be considered.
- The patron submitting the Form must be a resident of the Quarryville Library Center’s service area and hold a valid Lancaster County library card. Patrons may only submit two requests for reconsideration per calendar year.
- The material under consideration will remain in the library’s collection pending the outcome of the patron’s request. If the material under consideration is lost during the evaluation process, replacement materials will be purchased until a final determination has been made.
- Upon receipt of a completed Form, the Form will be forwarded to the Library Director, who will evaluate the material and render a decision.
- The Director’s decision will be communicated in writing as soon as possible to the patron who initiated the request for reconsideration. The response will indicate the action to be taken and reasons for or against the request.
- Requests for reclassification of library material will be considered by the Director in consultation with library staff. The Director will decide what action, if any, is to be taken and will notify the patron of this decision as soon as possible.
- An item will only be evaluated for reconsideration and/or reclassification once in a threeyear period.
- The Director will inform the Library Board of all requests for reconsideration of library materials and their disposition.
- If the patron is not satisfied with the Director’s decision, the Director will appoint an ad hoc committee including, but not limited to, the selector of the material in question and a member of the Library Board.
- Based on all applicable library policies and procedures, the committee will evaluate the material and make a written recommendation to the Director, who will then decide the disposition of the material.
- If not satisfied with the ad hoc committee’s decision the patron may file an appeal with the Library Board within three weeks (21 days) of issuance of the written decision. The appeal should be presented in writing to the Director and the President of the Board.
- In the event of an appeal, the Library Board will be given a copy of the patron’s completed Form, the committee’s recommendation, and the Director’s response to the patron. The Library Board will hear an appeal during their regularly scheduled meeting.
The Board reserves the right to limit the length of the presentation and number of speakers at the hearing. - The Board will determine whether the request for reconsideration has been handled in accordance with the decision and conforms to all applicable policies and procedures of the Quarryville Library Center. Based on this determination, the Board may vote to uphold or override the decision of the Director.
- The decision of the Library Board is final.
In order to provide resources and services to all people who visit the Quarryville Library, in a manner that ensures their safety and in an atmosphere of courtesy, respect, and service excellence, the Library Board of Trustees has adopted the following Code of Conduct Policy.
Consistent with the Quarryville Library non-discrimination policies, the enforcement of the Code of Conduct will be applied evenly, consistently, and fairly.
The rules set forth below are not intended to limit the Quarryville Library from taking action to ensure safety, security, and excellent customer service. Any behavior that is disruptive or that inhibits or prevents Quarryville Library from ensuring a safe environment or from accomplishing its mission may elicit an appropriate response to deny access to facilities and/or services.
Rules for a Safe Environment
- Concealed weapons that are not legally licensed and open display of weapons are prohibited (Open Display of Weapons Policy and Colo. Rev. Stat. 18-12-105).
- Sidewalks outside and passageways indoors must remain obstacle-free.
- Library patrons must park bicycles or other vehicles only in authorized areas.
- Use of skateboards, roller blades, roller-skates, or scooters is not allowed in the Library, on Library premises, or in common areas shared with other businesses.
- Animals or personal transport vehicles are not permitted in the Library except as required by persons with disabilities. Programs sponsored by the Library that involve animals are permitted.
- Smoking inside Library facilities is prohibited. Smokers must use exterior ashtrays and refrain from littering with cigarette butts.
- Using alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited. Persons under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs are not allowed on Library property. Approved Quarryville Library events may serve alcoholic beverages.
- Shirts and shoes are required for health reasons and must be worn at all times while in the Library.
- The use of incendiary devices, such as candles, matches, and lighters, is prohibited inside the Library, unless approved by the Director.
Rules for Personal Behavior
- Personal property brought into the Library is subject to the following:
- Size must be limited to no larger than a student’s typical book bag or a backpack used as a book bag (approximately 10″ x 16″ x 24″),
- The Library may limit the number of parcels carried into the Library.
- All bags are subject to search based upon reasonable suspicion that they contain material that is in violation of Quarryville Library policy or Library materials that have not been properly charged out.
- The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.
- The Library does not provide storage for personal property.
- Items inappropriate to Library use, including but not limited to bicycles, wagons, shopping carts, luggage, large grocery bags, large trash bags, backpacks, bedrolls, and strollers without children are not allowed in the Library.
- Personal possessions must not take up seating or space needed by others.
- Personal possessions such as grocery bags, trash bags, backpacks, bedrolls, shopping bags, and luggage left outside Library facilities are subject to disposal.
- Food must be consumed only in authorized areas.
- Patrons must leave the Library promptly at closing time.
- Loitering is prohibited.
- Spitting is prohibited.
- Sleeping or lying on the floor or furniture in the Library is prohibited.
- Soliciting or panhandling inside the Library or on Library property is prohibited.
- Using profane, obscene, threatening, or injurious language or gestures directed at another patron or a staff member is prohibited.
- Patrons may not interfere with the staff’s performance of duties. This includes engaging in extended conversation or behavior that engages or forces the attention of staff for an inappropriate period of time, inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, or physical and/or verbal harassment.
- Signature gathering for petitions is permitted outside the Library but must not block a Library entrance or exit.
- Selling merchandise without prior permission from the Director is prohibited.
- Unreasonable use of the restrooms, including laundering, shaving, hair cutting or trimming, and bathing is prohibited.
- The Library prohibits any activity or condition that unreasonably interferes with Library user or staff comfort, safety, use, or quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the Library, including but not limited to:
- harassing or threatening Library users or staff;
- staring at, following, or photographing Library users or staff;
- making any loud or unreasonable noise or other disturbance such as running or talking loudly; disruptive use of personal communications or entertainment devices, such as cell phones, head phones, and other devices. Cell phones should be placed on vibrate mode while inside the library. Patrons should speak in low tones and keep conversations brief. If phone calls cannot be concluded quickly, patrons should move away from reading, research, and study areas;
- excessive public displays of affection;
- sexual misconduct.
Rules for the Use and Preservation of Library Materials and Property
- Patrons must not deface, vandalize, or improperly remove library materials, equipment, or furniture.
- Patrons must abide by established time limitations and Quarryville Library’s “Internet and Computer Use Policy and Guidelines.”
- Library phones are for staff use only unless there is an emergency.
Rules for the Safety of Children and Unattended Children
- The Library cannot assume responsibility for or supervise unattended children.
- Parents or caregivers must be present and responsible for the supervision of children in all area of the Library.
- Children under the age of 11 must have a parent or caregiver ages 14 years or older on premises at all times and remain in their line of sight.
- Children ages 11-13 must have a parent or caregiver on premises at all times, but do not need to remain in their line of sight.
- Children ages 14 and older may use the Library without a parent or caregiver present, and must follow the Code of Conduct Policy.
- If an unattended child is found, staff members will attempt to find or contact the parent or caregiver. In the event a parent or caregiver cannot be found, the child will be placed in the care of the Pennsylvania State Police.
- Parents or caregivers are liable for damages to materials, equipment, or furniture caused by their child/children.
- The Library cannot be used as a substitute for daycare or after-school care.
- Staff may restrict adult use of Children’s areas, including the children’s restroom.
Disciplinary Process for Library Facilities
The person-in-charge with line authority may restrict access to Library facilities with immediate dismissal of the patron from the premises, by suspending the patron’s access to Library facilities for a set period of time, or by denying access to specific services and/or programs.
Suspension of Library Privileges
The person-in-charge with line authority may suspend the Library privileges of a patron, including access to activities, services, or facilities, without prior approval of the director if the situation is a serious offense and constitutes a violation of Quarryville Library policies. Examples of serious offenses include
but are not limited to: verbal abuse, violence, threatening behaviors, sexual harassment, vandalism, drug sale or use or attempted drug sale or use, intoxication, theft or attempted theft, physical harassment, sexual misconduct, or any behaviors that threaten the safety and security of staff and/or patrons. The person-in-charge shall call the Police Department rather than place themselves, other staff members, or patrons in a threatening situation.
- The person-in-charge may issue an immediate suspension order by requesting that the offending person leave the Library immediately. If the person refuses to leave Library premises, the State Police Department should be called at the non-emergency number 717-783-5599. Call 911 if a situation is threatening. Quarryville Borough Police could also be called with an inquiry at 717-786-2404.
- For offenses that do not require immediate suspension of privileges, the offending patron may be issued a warning letter if the repetition of the offense would be cause for suspension (example: situational anger inappropriately expressed in a disruptive manner).
- The person-in-charge may issue a suspension of privileges letter (extended period of time) when the behavior is serious as described above or when the behavior is repetitious after a verbal warning has been issued. A copy of the suspension of privileges letter shall remain at the Library.
- The Library may send a letter to the patron that describes the action taken by the Library. Since names and addresses are occasionally unavailable, suspension letters may be handed to the patron at the time of the action by the person-in-charge. In the event a person refuses to accept the suspension letter, the order will be in effect.
- Initial suspension of privileges is for 3 months. Subsequent suspensions may be for additional 3-month periods. Long-term suspensions require notification and approval of the Director.
- A Security Incident report shall be written immediately and forwarded to the Director for logging and review. A copy of the suspension of privileges letter should be attached, if applicable. The report should include physical descriptions in addition to the name of the patron. Incident reports shall be written for all suspension orders, verbal actions, and warning letters.
- After issuing the suspension of privileges letter, the person-in-charge notifies the Director within 24 hours, specifying the behavior or rule violation. The Director informs the Board of Trustees via email (description of the patron, description of the behavior).
- Library staff and Director may photograph patrons (as safety permits) and/or use photo records of patrons who have had their Library privileges suspended. The photos may be attached to the security log and kept on file at the Quarryville Library.
- The Library keeps a database of patrons whose privileges have been suspended with the effective dates.
Right of Appeal
You may appeal this decision in writing to the Director within 10 working days of the date of the letter. Please state clearly why you believe that your library privileges should be restored. The Director or a designee will respond to the appeal in writing within 10 working days of the date your appeal was received.
The decision of the Director’s office is final.
To protect the privacy of patron’s library records.
- Library records are held confidential by Quarryville Library in accordance with the R.C.W. 42.17.310(l). Information gathered about patrons shall be limited to that which is absolutely necessary to retrieve borrowed materials.
- Employees of the Quarryville Library and members of the Board of Trustees for Quarryville Library shall not divulge information that identifies patrons with the material borrowed to anyone, except by a legal order from an appropriate court of law.
- Library circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users’ with specific books or non-print material are confidential in nature.
- Also confidential in nature are files of patron names, addresses and personal information, including data-related logs, digital records, and system backups.
- Measures will be taken to protect the privacy of patrons having access to the Internet.
- Such records and files shall not be made available to any individual, organization, nor to any agency of federal, state, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power.
- The library staff member receiving the request to examine or obtain information relating to circulation or other records identifying the names of library users will immediately refer the person making the request to the Library Director, who shall explain the confidentiality policy.
- The Library Director, upon receipt of such process, order, or subpoena, shall consult with the Quarryville Library District’s attorney concerning the proper response.
- Any problems relating to the privacy of circulation and other records identifying the names of library users, which are not provided for above shall be referred to the library director.
The Computer User Contract must be signed in front of a staff member at the Quarryville Library in order to be authorized. Anyone under the age of 18 is required to have a parent/guardian signature on their Computer User Contract in order to obtain computer privileges.
Public Libraries of Lancaster County Cooperative Internet and Computer Acceptable Use Policy
The public libraries of Lancaster County strive to meet the cultural informational and educational needs of the communities we serve.
The Library System of Lancaster County (LSLC) is a consortium of libraries made up of independent public libraries in Lancaster County, their branches, a bookmobile and administrative offices. This policy serves all entities, employees and volunteers of LSLC and all services provided on location and remotely. This policy covers equally the physical locations and human representatives of LSLC.
Policy Goal
LSLC (LSLC, the library, libraries or public libraries) will offer equal access to electronic resources for individuals (user, users). A library may amend this policy with additions that suit their situation and community.
Internet Access
Equal access to the resources of the Internet is an important option. The Internet is an unregulated medium and not all information is appropriate for all audiences. Some information is inaccurate, offensive, and/or illegal. Though the library does use filtering software in accordance with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA), it is not possible to filter/screen out all inappropriate, offensive or illegal material.
Responsibilities of Library Staff and Users
It is the responsibility of the person using electronic resources to monitor their own use and/or the use of their dependent minor. Users are responsible to handle electronic resources and equipment responsibly. Users are to save data to a remote drive or preserve their information in a personally relevant manner. Library computers will not save data locally and the library will not be held responsible for lost data due to file-save failure, computer time-out, or any other reason. PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED, AND MAY BE REQUIRED, TO COME TO THE LIBRARY WITH MINOR CHILDREN TO SUPERVISE INTERNET SESSIONS.
- Library staff may monitor an individual’s use of WiFi and public access computers.
- The user, and/or user’s parent/guardian, is responsible for his/her Internet session at all times.
- LSLC specifically disclaims any warrant as to the retrieved information’s accuracy, timeliness, authoritativeness or usefulness for a particular purpose.
- LSLC, public library corporations and staff will have no liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages related to the use of its computing resources. This includes and is not limited to property damage, financial loss, identity theft, or reputational damage due to the use of the library’s network or computers.
- Software and information from any source, including the Internet, may alter users’ computers or other personal electronic devices. The libraries are not responsible for damage to users’ computers or any other electronic device or for the loss of data that may occur from use of a library or Internet resource.
- Users are responsible for any library owned equipment, software or network damages that occur while using the resources.
- Library computers will not save files and will log the user off after a short period of inactivity. The library will not be responsible for any lost data.
- Information transmitted across the Internet, regardless of the security protections used, may become public. Computer users are responsible to safeguard their personal information. The library will not be held responsible for any security breach from the use of library owned computers or networks.
Unacceptable Computer & Network Use
- Unacceptable computer and network uses include and are not limited to:
- Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law
- Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property
- Uses that violate the library’s other policies and agreements.
- Uses that jeopardize the security of the computer network or other computers via the Internet
- Uses that are deemed harmful or compromise the safety and security of minors. The term “harmful to minors” is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 [h][7])
- Displaying, downloading, or copying offensive or inappropriate messages, pictures or explicit sexual material as defined in 18 Pa.C.S.A § 5903.
- Violating US Copyright law. The law prohibits unauthorized use of copyrighted materials except when permitted by “fair use” principles. Do not copy or distribute electronic materials (including text, images, audio-material, programs, e-mail or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
- Uses that violate confidentiality of information or put the identity of any person at risk.
- For safety reasons, minors may not disclose passwords; provide others with private information about themselves or others, including credit card and social security card numbers; and/or arrange face-to-face meetings with someone met via the Internet or computer network.
Procedures for Library Owned Public Computer Use
To use a library owned public internet computer or electronic device patrons must have a valid library card from LSLC in good standing. Member Libraries may choose to make exceptions or grant permission to a visitor on a limited basis if computers are available.
- An “Internet Usage Agreement” must be signed. If under age 18, a “Parental Permission Form” must be signed by the patron’s parent or legal guardian in the presence of library staff.
- Computer users must be able to employ the computer on their own, and may be asked to demonstrate their ability to use the computer without damaging it.
- Patrons must leave a workstation immediately when asked by a staff member.
- Patrons may not install software onto the public computer or attempt to add, modify or remove the hardware or software of the public computer.
- Patrons may download only information which is legal to copy.
- Patrons will refrain from using sounds or visuals which might be disruptive to others.
- The Member Libraries do not offer email accounts. Patrons may use library computers to access email from outside providers such as Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.
- Patrons may not alter or attach equipment, other than a remote storage device or headphones, to the library’s hardware, or alter, add or attempt to alter programs or device settings. The library reserves the right to make exceptions for accessibility or individual cases.
- Patrons are responsible for any damages they do to the equipment or software.
- Printing may be available from public computers. Member Libraries will establish prices and methods for printing and other computer related services. These costs may vary from location to location.
Response to Violations
The patron’s access to the library’s computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right. A patron violates this policy by the patron’s own action. Failure to comply with this policy and its procedures will result in the forfeiture of the patron’s access to computers at any of the Member Libraries of the Library System of Lancaster County. The first offense will result in a loss of computer privileges for one month. The second offense will result in a loss of computer privileges for six months. After the third offense, the patron will lose all computer privileges indefinitely. Decisions regarding the appropriate response to violations will be made by the Director of the Member Library at which the offense occurred, or by his/her designate. Appeals should be made in writing and submitted to the Member Library Director’s attention. Responses will be made within 30 days of receipt of the appeal. Access to the County’s public libraries may be terminated until the Director has made a written response to the appeal.
U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials except when permitted by “fair use” principles. Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including text, images, programs, e-mail or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Responsibility for the consequences of copyright infringement lies solely with the user, as LSLC Member Libraries expressly disclaim any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
Room Reservation Policy
- The Quarryville Library Center has four (4) rooms available for library programs, activities, and public use. These four rooms are the Carlson Cultural Room (the program room), the Pennington Family Conference Room, the Story Corner, and the Reynolds Tutor Room. When not in use by the library, these rooms are available to community organizations or individuals for meetings or programs of civic, cultural, social, or educational purposes. The Quarryville Library Center does not endorse or seek to promote the objectives of any individual, group, organization, or business using these rooms.
- Any use of the library facilities is subject to the approval of the library director or the library board of trustees. Exceptions to the room reservation policy require written permission by the director or board of trustees.
- Room reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure fairness to others in the community, the library reserves the right to limit the use of the facilities by individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses. Permission may be granted for multiple meetings over a period not to exceed
six (6) months and two (2) meetings per month. Prior use of the library rooms does not entitle applicants to future room use. An application must be filled out for each time a room reservation request is made. - The library also reserves the right to discontinue use of the facilities by any organization, business, group, or individual that creates a nuisance or interferes with library operations.
- Reservation rooms are not available for: (1) political campaigning, (2) the solicitation of funds, (3) use as headquarters for any organization, (4) use as a mailing address, or when, in the opinion of the library director or the board of trustees, the use of the room might endanger public safety, cause disorder, or disrupt the primary functions of the library.
- The following guidelines must be followed when publicizing a program or event:
- The correct name of the library (Quarryville Library Center) must be used on all publicity.
- The library’s logo, image and contact information may not appear on any materials or publicity.
- The following disclaimer MUST appear on all materials produced outside the library: “This program/event/workshop is not affiliated in any way with the Quarryville Library Center. Please contact the organizer at the number/email listed for questions about this event.”
- A non-library contact number or email must be listed on any materials distributed.
- Before the materials are produced or circulated, they must be approved by the library director or assistant director.
- It is the responsibility of the renting individual, group, organization, or business to return the room to its original condition and pay for any damage to library property or equipment. Waste is to be placed in the receptacles and left in the kitchen. Any bags that do not fit in the receptacles need to be tied securely and left in the kitchen.
- Walls, windows, doors, and furnishings may not be used for mounting or hanging pictures, displays, posters, or other materials unless permission has been given by the library director.
- Individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses using the facilities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their actions and the actions of their guests. Children may not be left unattended or unsupervised by adults who are using the room or attending meetings, programs, trainings, or events.
- No sale of merchandise or services is permitted without the express written permission of the library board of trustees.
- Individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses are not permitted to charge for attendance of events for any room rental. There will be no exceptions.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant or the group to provide any necessary equipment if it is not available in the reservation rooms.
- Alcoholic beverages, smoking, and gambling are not permitted on library premises.
- Due to fire hazard, lighted candles or open flames may not be used in the meeting rooms, except for the use of Sterno by caterers.
Scheduling a Room Reservation
- Call the Quarryville Library Center at 717-786-1336 to check for available date(s) and time(s).
- Pick up a room reservation form at the Quarryville Library Center or visit quarryvillelibrary.org to print a copy of the form or to reserve a room online.
- In order to use the room(s), an individual, group, organization, or business must submit a signed Room Reservation Application Form at least one week in advance of the reservation date and payment must be received at least 72 hours before using the room(s). Make the check payable to: Quarryville Library Center. If you need an invoice to process payment, please request one as soon as your reservation has been confirmed.
- The individual, group, organization, or business renting the room must sign a Hold Harmless Indemnification Agreement (included in this form).
- When a room is to be used by an individual, group, organization, or business with members 17 years of age or under, the application must be submitted and signed by an adult. No one will be admitted until the adult in charge has arrived. An adult must be present at all times.
- You may request early access to a room to set up tables, chairs, etc. No fees will be charged for this unless:
- More than half an hour is requested before or after the event. Normal hourly rates will be charged for extra time requested.
- Library staff are asked to set up the room. In this case, half an hour’s worth of normal hourly fees will be charged for staff time.
- Meetings or events must be scheduled during normal library operating hours and must be concluded by normal library closing hours.
- In the event a scheduled meeting/event is canceled, the group or individual should notify the library as soon as possible so that the space may be made available to others. A full refund may be requested if cancelation notice has been given at least 48 hours prior to the time of reservation. If a cancelation is made less than 48 hours prior to the time of reservation, a partial refund (50% of fees paid) may be requested. If the library must cancel a room reservation, the group or individual will be notified as soon as possible, and any fees paid will be refunded. The library website, Facebook and Instagram, as well as WGAL, will be updated in case of weather-related emergencies.
- If there are any questions or disputes about room use, the decision of the library director or assistant
director will be final.
Fees & Donations
C.X. Carlson Cultural Room (Program Room):
The program room can be set up for auditorium seating for up to one hundred (100) people. This room is encouraged for lectures, large meetings, programs, or trainings requiring the use of a projector, screen, video, or kitchen area.
The kitchen (located in the program room):
Arrangements can be made for using the kitchen. A stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, and sink are available. The kitchen can be used for light snacks or catering. Use of a caterer must be approved by the library director.
For individuals, groups, or businesses reserving the program room, the fee is fifty dollars ($50.00) per hour with a one-hour minimum. The cost of this room includes the use of folding tables, chairs, and other equipment owned by the library. For use of the kitchen, there is an additional flat fee of twenty dollars ($20.00).
For non-profit individuals, groups, or organizations reserving the program room, a donation of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour is suggested*. The room may be used for a maximum of four (4) hours at this rate. For use of the kitchen, an additional twenty dollars ($20.00) is suggested. *A non-profit is an individual, corporation or association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders or profits.
For use of the room before or after normal library hours, an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) an hour will be charged with a one-hour minimum.
Pennington Family Conference Room:
This room has seating for up to twelve (12) people and is encouraged for discussions which require a writing surface. The cost of the room includes equipment owned by the library. Food and beverages permitted in this room are limited to light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.
For individuals, groups, or businesses reserving the conference room, the fee is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour.
For non-profit individuals, groups, or organizations reserving the conference room, a donation of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour is suggested.* The room may be used for a maximum of four (4) hours at this rate. *A non-profit is an individual, corporation or association that conducts business
for the benefit of the general public without shareholders or profits.
For use of the room before or after normal library hours, an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) an hour will be charged with a one-hour minimum.
Story Corner:
This space can be set up for small meetings or parties for up to twenty (20) people. Adding tables to the event will reduce capacity accordingly. Food and beverages permitted in this room are limited to light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.
For individuals, groups, or businesses reserving the story corner, the fee is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour.
For non-profit individuals, groups, or organizations reserving the story corner, a donation of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour is suggested.* The room may be used for a maximum of four (4) hours at this rate. *A non-profit is an individual, corporation or association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders or profits.
For use of the room before or after normal library hours, an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) an hour will be charged with a one-hour minimum.
Reynolds Tutor Room:
Capacity is limited to a maximum of three (3) people. Laptops are available for use in this room and require a library card for access. There is no charge for using this room, however, a reservation must be made to use it, and it can only be used during normal library operating hours.
The Quarryville Library Center board of trustees expressly reserves the right to amend this Room Reservation Policy. The board of trustees also reserves the right to make special exceptions.
The Quarryville Library Center uses social media to enhance the Quarryville Library Center’s mission to provide the freedom to experience the joy of reading, the discovery of new ideas, and the power of knowledge while fulfilling the cultural and social needs of the southern Lancaster County community. The purpose of this policy addresses the use of social media platforms or accounts created and maintained by the Quarryville Library Center.
The Quarryville Library Center does not utilize or store personal information from any third-party site other than in communication with users on corresponding sites unless users grant permission.
Comments or postings from users on the library’s social media platforms do not reflect the views of the library, its officers, or its employees. Posting personal information on any library social media account is discouraged; the library is not responsible for personal information users post about themselves. Information posted by the public will be reviewed by library staff; library staff reserves the right to review and delete comments deemed inappropriate.
Staff may block or ban users who comment or post within the following guidelines, and the comment/post in question will be deleted:
- Obscene content or hate speech.
- Harassing or threatening comments.
- Comments or posting using profane or obscene statements or images.
- Libelous statements.
- Plagiarizing or posting copyrighted material without permission or authority.
- Comments, postings, and/or hyperlinks not related to content created by library staff.
- Private or personal information of another person without consent or authority.
- Advertisements and solicitations not expressly permitted by the library.
- Images, photos, or videos that fall into any of the above guidelines.