| Administration for Children & Families
A division of the Department of Health & Human Services that promotes the economic and social well-being of children, families, individuals and communities. Website provides information on strategic partnerships, guidance,
training and technical assistance. |
 | Alliance for Childhood
Supporting children’s healthy development, love of learning and joy in living. |
 | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
The AACAP is the leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders. |
 | American Academy of Pediatrics
Find parent resource guides, pediatric referral services, immunization schedules, child care books, and updates on pediatric health. |
 | Baby Center
Information on stages of childhood development, online communities, email series and public health initiatives. |
 | Brazelton Touchpoints Center
Professional and organizational development opportunities as well as resources and articles for families. |
 | Bundoo
This is a physician-drive resource for new and expecting parents. It bridges
the gap between parents and doctors with articles, moderated social community and
blog. Topics covered include pregnancy and birth to toddlers. |
 | Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The CDC is the nation’s health protection agency. The official website of the CDC provides credible health information featuring an extensive selection of health and safety topics. |
 | The Center for Effective Parenting
Positively impacting children by helping parents and those who work with parents enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding parenting. |
 | Center for Parent Information and Resources
A central “hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities. |
 | Center on the Developing Child
The Center on the Developing Child seeks to provide science-based
innovation to support change in policy and practice in the field of child development. |
 | Child Care Aware of America
State-by-state resources for parents and care givers as well as resources on finding quality child care, budgeting, and advocacy. |
 | Child Development Institute
Information, products and services related to child development, psychology, etc, plus opportunities to connect with other parents and professional organizations. |
 | Child Mind Institute
Accurate and useful articles and guides for parents, caregivers, and educators that cover a wide array of topics pertaining to brain development, mental health, and learning disorders. |
 | Childhood Education International
Promotes and supports the optimal education and development of children from birth through early
adolescence. Website offers resources and publications that focus mainly on the early years from birth to 11 years old. |
 | Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Provide links to information regarding Attention Deficit Disorder, including treatment, legal rights and parenting. |
 | Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk
CYFAR is a national initiative that provides funding for Sustainable Community Projects (SCP). These projects are research based, and provide quality programs for vulnerable, at-risk, low-income, and low-resource children, youth, and families. Website provides information on CYFAR initiatives, core competencies, trainings and evaluations. |
 | Children’s Defense Fund
A non-profit child advocacy organization that works to ensure a level playing field for all children. This site provides information on programs, policies and activism for professionals that work with families and children. |
 | Children’s Home Society of California
Offers vital informational, educational resources and services for parents and childcare providers nationwide. |
 | Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSC is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of the thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. Official website provides information on product recalls, safety education, etc. |
 | Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
Provides links to multiple resources on various topics. |
 | Cruise Into Kindergarten
Find information, programming resources, and professional development related to early childhood programming. |
 | Early Childhood Collective
Multiple projects with the goal of providing evidence-based information and resources for professionals and families. Website provides links to individual projects websites and archived information
bundles on specific topics related to childhood development. |
 | Early Childhood Development
Provides an extensive collection of information on topics including early learning and childhood heath and development that is suitable for parents and professionals. |
 | Early Childhood Investigations
Offers free webinars designed for early childhood educators featuring experts in the field and covering a wide variety of topics. |
 | Entertainment Software Rating Board
Provides parents with reliable and valuable information about the age suitability and content of computer and video games so they can make informed decisions. |
 | Environmental Working Group
An organization dedicated to empowering people to lead healthier lives through research and education. Website provides consumer guides, research and articles regarding the safety of products and other health items. |
 | Every Child Ready to Read
Helps parents and other caregivers develop early literacy skills in children from birth to age five. |
 | Families and Work Institute
A nonprofit center dedicated to providing research in four major areas: the workforce and workplace; education, care and community; parenting; and youth development. Website provides information on topics such as life skills for children, work and life, and features videos, publications and a blog for caregivers and educators. |
 | Family Place Libraries™
Helping libraries realize their full potential as community hubs for healthy children and family development, parent and community involvement and lifelong learning beginning at birth. Their official website provides training opportunities, shares libraries in the spotlight, and provides updated resource lists and bibliographies on early childhood topics. |
 | Family Voices
A network of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities that promotes partnership with families. Family Voices seeks to improve healthcare services and policies for children. |
 | Global Development Network
Allows peer review and cross-fertilization between more experienced scholars and junior researchers
working together on the same project to generate outstanding research and, in many cases, create new datasets that can be used for further research. |
 | The Global Family Research Project
The mission of Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) is to shape 21st century learning opportunities so that all children and youth thrive. Central to their work is addressing issues of access and equity in learning, and advancing family and community engagement practices that reinforce success for all children. |
 | HealthyChildren.org from the American Academy of Pediatrics
HealthyChildren.org is committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Visit this site to find information on topics such as healthy living and family life for all ages and stages including prenatal. |
 | InfoAboutKids
Links to other well-established, trustworthy websites for parents, other caregivers, and professionals. Monthly blogs will summarize science-based information on timely topics. |
 | Insure Kids Now!
Your state, and every state in the nation, has a health insurance program for infants, children and teens. The insurance is available to children in working families, or families with a variety of immigration statuses. Visit the listed site or call 1-877-KIDSNOW, to learn more. |
 | Journal of Early Childhood Research
A peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for childhood research, bridging cross
disciplinary areas and applying theory and research within the professional community. Visit the listed site to subscribe, browse or submit to the Journal. |
 | JumpStart
Provides language, literacy, and social-emotional programming for preschool children from under-resourced communities and promotes quality early learning for all children. |
 | Kaiser Family Foundation
A non-partisan source of facts, information, and analysis for policymakers, the media, the health care community, and the public. |
 | Kids Health
Helps parents, kids, and teens take charge of their health by providing them with the tools and confidence necessary to make informed decisions. Website offers parents information on general medicine and surgical health. Kids section discusses topics such as how the body works and staying healthy. Classroom resources are available for educators. |
 | Learning the Signs
From birth to 5 years, children should reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act and move. Track your child’s development and learn different methods for positive parenting at different stages in your child’s life. This website is hosted by the CDC. |
 | Literacy Council of Lancaster-Lebanon
Programs designed for a wide range of students who can improve their literacy, basic math and computer skills. |
 | MedlinePlus
Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s Website for parents and caregivers. Website offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free. |
 | National Association for the Education of Young Children
Largest organization of early childhood professionals dedicated to improving education for children ages birth to eight. Website features opportunities for professional development, helpful information and resources for parents, opportunities to get involved, and their own monthly journal – Young Children. |
 | National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators
Provides professionals in the field of early childhood education with resources, grants and professional development opportunities that help to promote professional growth. |
 | National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement
Focuses on advancing family, school, and community engagement. Their mission is to progress high-impact policies and practices that promote child development and improve student engagement. Visit their website to learn more about their goals and membership information. |
 | National Black Child Development Institute
NBCDI’s mission is to improve and protect the quality of life of Black children and families. Visit their official website to learn more about NBCDI initiatives, find their next event or to learn how to show your support. |
 | National Center for Family Learning
NCFL works to eradicate poverty through education solutions for families by partnering with educators, literacy advocates, and policymakers. NCFL develops and provides programming, professional development, and resources that empower and raise families to achieve their potential. |
 | National Center for Learning Disabilities
The mission of NCLD is to improve the lives of children and adults with learning and attention issues by empowering parents and young adults, transforming schools and advocating for equal rights and opportunities. Website provides essential information about learning disabilities, early literacy and learning resources, public policy, and advocacy tools. |
 | National Fatherhood Initiative
Seeks to equip individuals and organizations with the tools necessary to support proactive and engaging fatherhood. Visit their official site to learn more about their fatherhood programs or view their free resources and catalogs. |
 | The National Parenting Center
Provides comprehensive and responsible parenting advice. Articles available on listed website provide information on subjects from pregnancy through adolescence and are furnished by some of the world’s most respected authorities in the field of child rearing and development. |
 | National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education
Maintains and continues to develop national health and safety standards for early care and education settings. Website provides links for providers, parents, regulators, and consultants. |
 | Notable Children’s Media
Includes real-time, dynamic, and interactive media content for children 14 years of age and younger. |
 | Nutrition by Age
A USDA sponsored website that offers credible information to help you and your family make healthy eating choices. This page offers resources, organized into age groups, providing nutrition and health information for every stage of life, including
infants, toddlers, and children. |
 | Oppenheim Toy Portfolio
A consumer organization that publishes independent reviews of toys and children’s media. Subscribe to their free newsletter to
receive toy review updates or browse the websites extensive collection to read more about a toy of interest. |
 | PA Keys to Quality
This is Pennsylvania’s early childhood source for professionals. We have all the latest information for OCDEL’s early childhood programs and helpful facts for your professional career development. |
![]()  | Parent TV
Search and find videos on general parenting, play, behavior, child development, mental health, sleep, nutrition, technology and more. Most videos are under 10 minutes in length and can be accessed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. |
 | Parent Toolkit
Provides parents with information regarding their child’s development. Topics include education, health and wellness and social and
emotional development. |
 | Parents as Teachers
Builds strong communities, thriving families and children that are healthy, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who make regular personal home visits during a child’s earliest years in life, from prenatal through kindergarten. |
 | Pennsylvania One Book Early Literacy Program
A valuable program that highlights the importance of early literacy development in preschoolers and the significance of reading early and often to children, as well as engaging them in conversation and other activities around books. |
 | PBS Parents
The mission of PBS is to use the power of media to open worlds of possibilities for all children, so that every child can reach their full potential in school and in life. PBS Parents website provides parents and caregivers with tips and activities for their loved ones ages 2 through 5, that will help build their child’s social, emotional, or even STEM skills! |
 | Read Aloud
A nonprofit organization that is working to make reading aloud every day for at least 15 minutes the new standard in child care. |
 | Reading is Fundamental
The leading voice for children’s literacy, addressing the alarming literacy crisis in America today through
strong leadership, quality content, and an active and engaged community. |
 | Reading Rockets
Reading resources to assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. |
 | Safe Kids Worldwide
A nonprofit organization working to help families and communities keep kids safe from injuries. Find safety tips, a
car seat safety guide, product recalls, and more. Promotes changes in attitudes, behaviors, laws and the environment to help prevent accidental injury to children and adolescence ages 1-19, along with children with special needs. |
 | Talaris Institute
Talaris Research Institute works to improve the social, emotional and cognitive development of children from the prenatal period through age five by providing parents with tools to raise their children effectively. |
 | Tell Me a Story │King County Library System
This storytime companion site provides parents and early childhood professionals with categorically or alphabetically listed songs and
rhymes. |
 | Toy Industry Association, Inc.
Addresses questions about specific toys, provides tips on safe play, and offers advice on toys that are suitable for various age groups. Website also features a specific page for parents listing publications, toy safety guidelines, and more. |
 | UNC │Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
FPG was founded in 1966 by a small group of scientists who had a vision—to conduct research that would
make a difference in children’s lives, support families, and inform public policy. Website provides information on their projects and provides access to their articles and news releases. |
 | Understood
Help for parents of children ages 3–20 who are struggling with learning and attention issues. Understood seeks to empower parents to understand their children’s issues and relate to their experiences. Visit their website to find information on topics such as learning and attention issues, school & learning and friends & feelings. |
 | US Department of Education
The Official Website of the Federal Department of Education offers several menu choices applicable to families including: family involvement, America goes back to school, charter schools, and Education Resource Organization Directory. |
 | USDA National Agriculture Library
The National Agricultural Library is one of five national libraries of the United States and houses one of the world’s largest collections devoted to agriculture and its related sciences. Website provides information on food and nutrition topics from A to Z. |
 | The Whole Child
Designed for both parents and early childhood educators, this comprehensive website contains information on making the most out of a child’s early years and being the best caregiver or parent you can. There are extensive articles, in-home activity ideas, reading lists, forums, and related websites links. |